Chronic inflammation. It’s a symptom many people experience at some point in their life. It’s often caused by arthritis, auto-immune disorders, injuries aggravated by lack of rest, etc. But here’s the problem: Chronic inflammation is difficult to treat, so much so that people who suffer from it are forced to live with it rather than resolve it.

Does this sound like you? If so, let’s explore a few questions about the nature of chronic inflammation. With luck, it is possible to come closer to the truth of the matter and find potential solutions, even in something as seemingly simple as our diets.


Defining Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is not the same as acute inflammation, but for some reason, most people tend to believe that it is. The reason why is that we fail to notice the differences between the two, mainly because we are less informed on the subject than we should be. So, we should ask ourselves this question first:

What is the difference between chronic and acute inflammation?

Acute inflammation is a temporary bodily response to an external cause. When we are bitten by a mosquito, for example, our body reacts to the bite until the physical injury associated with the bite is healed.

But chronic inflammation acts a little differently…

The difference with chronic inflammation is the inflammation doesn’t go away once the initial injury heals. The body is still reacting to an internal problem on a long-term basis.

This is where the investigation gets quite interesting. Let’s ask two more questions: Why do we assume that the cause of chronic inflammation is located in the areas where it occurs? Could it be possible that we ought to look elsewhere?

We have something everywhere on our bodies that we should investigate more thoroughly — fat! We think of fat as a storage medium for caloric energy we don’t use. However, researchers are starting to realize that fat stores far more than just “energy.” For example, studies show that even if THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) is no longer traceable in urine after a few weeks, THC is traceable in fat cells for several months (Source).

If fat can store a compound such as a cannabinoid for that long, what else could it possibly store?

That’s right, fat can store just about anything! Not only does fat retain essential vitamins and minerals used to maintain a baseline level of health, it also stores toxins known to destroy that very baseline. As fat burns off, every compound stored within it gets released into the bloodstream. It is common sense to believe that decreasing exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), while increasing nutrient intake can be helpful — provided it is a part of a comprehensive change in lifestyle. (Source)

When we assume that toxins stored within the body are responsible for chronic inflammation, then perhaps the following thoughts will dawn on you for the first time: How could it be possible to reduce toxins released into the body if toxins are continually entering the body? What good does our definition of chronic inflammation do if it’s not possible to provide a solution?


Liposomal Technology as a Potential Solution

Liposomal technology consists of the tools we use to manipulate the fats that exist in our bodies, as well as the development of new dietary standards used in lieu of these tools. This technology controls what we can do to limit the number of toxins escaping from fat cells that are burned off, as well as liberate the number of vitamins and minerals still stored away.

Steroids are the most common example of liposomal technology. A steroid is basically a drug that remains in between the two layers of lipid cell membranes protecting the compounds inside. However, not every steroid acts the same. Anabolic steroids help break down the lipid cell membranes protecting various proteins and amino acids, leading to accelerated muscle growth. On the other hand, corticosteroids are also used to help address symptoms related to various auto-immune deficiency disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis (Source).

Be warned, for there is a caveat for using steroids to alleviate the symptoms of chronic inflammation. These drugs are known to weaken the immune system and alter hormonal chemistry. It is possible that physical and mental side effects can manifest as a result. For those who are treating other health problems, the use of steroids may simply not be worth the risk.

Which leads us to the real subject of this article:

Liposomal technology isn’t entirely focused on the use of steroids and other pharmaceuticals. The food we eat acts as the flip side to the same coin; with a few small changes and a few small introductions to our diets, we can slowly but surely decrease the severity of chronic inflammation.

So, let’s take a closer look at what you can do to improve your diet if you want a natural way to reduce the pain and stiffness associated with chronic inflammation!

Inflammation and Diet

Let’s begin by focusing on the elephant in the room. Dietary changes often focus on the reduction of certain things we consume, and this diet is no different. However, it would be unwise to suggest that fat should be eliminated from your diet. Fat has been demonized as the primary source of many health problems, which is a rather immoderate response to the problem of immoderate intake. This outlook makes it easy to forget that each fat cell is a delivery system as well as a storage vessel.

Therefore, moderation is everything when it comes to fat intake. Of course, this doesn’t mean very much – in fact, that statement is as vague as it can possibly get when it comes to dietary health. That said, it’s time to dig a little deeper.

Here are the five most important aspects of your diet to examine as a way to defeat inflammation!


Fish is arguably the best type of animal-based protein to eat if you are prone to inflammatory illnesses or side effects.

Unlike livestock, salt-water fish like mackerel and sardines are quite oily. These oils are responsible for one of the best protein delivery systems associated with this type of diet, because they are less likely to absorb toxins compared to most other animal fats (Source).

Other fantastic options include salmon, fatty tuna, and cod.

Vegetarian/Vegan options:

Nuts that are low on starches, like almonds and pine nuts, serve as a viable alternative fat delivery system. The only downside is that despite the high amount of protein and fat, nuts are not entirely filling.

To address that problem, add a little more mass to your diet by concentrating on leafy greens, peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli. The fibrous quality of these vegetables helps keep the stomach working, while keeping metabolism rates stable (Source).


These can be as tricky to navigate as fats sometimes. This is especially true for those who have endocrine disorders like hyper- or hypo-thyroid, or those who have a gluten allergy or Celiac’s Disease (Source) (Source 2). We mentioned earlier that starches are to be avoided, but you should also try to avoid other sources of carbohydrates as well, like processed or added sugars.

Instead, fruits rich in antioxidants, such as berries, are an effective way to get your quick energy source for the day.


These substances are especially important to pay attention to, because they tend to act like a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, tannin’s reduce serum lipid levels, which is great for accelerating nutrient delivery. Furthermore, tannin’s control immune responses that may be responsible for causing inflammation.

On the other hand, tannin’s reduce serum lipid levels, which isn’t great for limiting the release of toxins stored in fat cells. Furthermore, tannin’s control immune responses, which may make it responsible for aggravating inflammation (Source).

See what we’re getting at? Tannin’s and antioxidants are unpredictable, creating positive or negative effects, depending on the person. If tannin’s and antioxidants cause problems such as headaches, urinary discomfort, or indigestion – consider eating other fruits like bananas and apples.



Finally, we should mention that spices are overlooked when it comes to the optimization of nutritional health!

Spices processed from seeds or roots are especially useful, as they help create complete proteins in foods that otherwise do not contain them. We strongly recommend introducing a combination of Black Cumin Seed, Turmeric (Curcumin), and Black Pepper to dishes made with small amounts of coconut oil (Source).

Not only do spices unlock the potential for greater health benefits, they also allow you to do more with less – thus making the goal of moderate food intake that much easier to achieve!


Microbiology, as it is limited to the study of holistic health, is quickly becoming a science readily understood by consumers of all kinds. Foodies are just as capable of learning as much as they need to know about liposomal technology as the healthcare practitioners who dedicate their lives to the continued development of it.

The point to make is this: Better health is possible, and intense and invasive treatments may not be necessary in order to obtain it!

We find great value in your stories regarding chronic inflammation. Has dietary changes created better or less disruptive results, compared to pharmaceutical drugs like NSAIDs and corticosteroids? Tell us your story in the comments field below.

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